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A connection between exercise and brain health

A connection between exercise and brain health
A connection between exercise and brain health
This article will throw light on A connection between exercise and brain health.
Physical exercise is important for your body’s health, it helps your brain stays sharp and active.
Your brain is no different than the rest of the muscles in your body. You use it otherwise you lose it. A study by the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Georgia, tells that even a short period exercising for 20 minutes helps mental processing and memory functions.

How can you keep your brain healthy?

Every one brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Mental weakening is common, and it's one of the most frightening consequences of aging.
 Here are 10 ways you can maintain brain health.
  1. Get mental motivation
  2. Any mentally motivating activity should help to build up your brain. Read, try "mental gymnastics," such as word puzzles or math problems. Experiment with things that need physical skill as well as mental efforts, such as drawing, painting, and other crafts.
      2. Get physical exercise
Exercise also encourages the development of new nerve cells and increases the connections between brain cells. 
      3. Improve your diet
A good and healthy diet can help your mind as well as your body.
     4. Improve your blood pressure
High blood pressure in midlife increases the risk of mental weakening in old age. Use lifestyle reform to keep your pressure as low as possible.
     5. Improve your blood sugar
Diabetes is an important risk factor for dementia. By eating right, exercising regularly, and staying lean, you can decrease the risks of diabetes.
     6. Improve your cholesterol
High levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol is linked with an increased risk of dementia. Diet, exercise, weight control, and avoiding tobacco will help to improve your cholesterol levels.
      7. Avoid tobacco
Keep a distance from tobacco and cigarettes.
     8. Don't overuse alcohol
Too much drinking is a major risk of the factor for dementia.
      9. Care for your emotions
People who are anxious, depressed, suffering from lack of sleep, or exhausted do not get a better score on intelligence tests.
     10. Build social networks
Strong social links have been associated with a lower risk of dementia, as well as lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy.

What happens to the brain during exercise?

As YOUR heart pressure increases, the brain thinks you are either fighting the enemy or escaping from it. To protect your body and brain from stress, you release a protein called BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor). So, BDNF and endorphins that are released due to exercise make us feel so good.

A connection between exercise and brain health

Which exercise is best for the brain?

Aerobic exercise, like running and swimming, is best for brain health. The reason is that it increases a person's heart rate, “which means the body pumps more blood to the brain,” says Okonkwo. But strength training, like weight lifting, may also benefit the brain by increasing heart rate.

Good Mental Health For All

What are the psychological benefits of exercise?
  •  Feel Happier
Exercising regularly can improve your attitude and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. The body releases chemicals during exercise and these chemicals in your brain make you feel more positive and attentive, by letting go of any stress you may be feeling. You feel calmer as well as happier.
  • Decreased stress
Exercise helps to lessen the stress levels—something that can make us all happier. Increasing your heart rate can actually reduce stress.
  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
By improving stamina to losing weight and increasing muscle tone, there’s no shortage of physical achievements that come about from regular exercise. All those achievements can all add up to a huge boost of self-esteem and the confidence that comes with it.
  • Better sleep
If you are suffering from getting a good night’s sleep, exercise can help with that, too. Physical activity increases body temperature, which can have soothing effects on the mind, leading to less sheep counting and more shuteye.
  • Brain booster
By building intelligence to firming up memory, exercise boosts intellect in a number of ways.

What are the social benefits of exercise?

When you have self-esteem and self-confidence, your social relations improve.  You feel good and passionate about yourself and have emotional health, you don’t shy away from social collaborations. People who take part in physical activity have the opportunity to meet new people all the time.
And because of regular physical activity, you keep yourself at a healthy weight, you’re happier with your physical appearance.
It would be unfair to describe only the benefits of exercise for mental health so I would really mention here:

How the exercise benefits your body in some ways?
  • Helps With Weight Loss

Exercise is vital to supporting fast metabolism and burning more calories per day. It also helps you keep your muscle mass and weight loss.
  •  Good for Your Muscles and Bones

Physical movement helps you build muscles and strong bones. It may also help prevent osteoporosis.
  •  Increases Your Energy Levels
Doing regular physical activity can increase your energy levels. 
  •  Reduces Your Risk of Chronic Disease
Daily physical activity is essential to sustaining a healthy weight and decreasing the risk of chronic disease.
  •  Helps Skin Health
Moderate exercise can provide antioxidant protection and increases blood flow, which can protect your skin and delay signs of aging.
  •  Helps Your Brain Health and Memory
Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain and helps brain health and memory. Among grown persons, it can help protect mental function.
  •  Helps With Relaxation and Sleep Quality

Regular physical activity, anyway it is aerobic or a combination of aerobic and confrontation training can help you sleep better and feel more energized during the day.
  •   Reduces Pain
Exercise has satisfactory effects on the pain that's associated with various conditions. It can also increase pain tolerance.
  •  Promotes a Better Sex Life
Exercise can progress sexual desire, function, and performance in men and women. It can also decrease the risk of erectile dysfunction in men.

What are some tips for Choosing the Right Physical Exercise?

By choosing the right physical exercise, you may develop a connection between exercise and brain health

• Overall, anything that is good for your heart is great for your brain.

• Aerobic exercise is great and beneficial for body and brain: not only it improves brain function, but also it acts as a “first aid kit” on damaged brain cells.

• Exercising in the morning before going to work not only spears brain activity and prepares you for mental stresses of the whole day, but also increases remembering, and better reaction to difficult situations.

•  Select the circuit workouts that quickly spike your heart rate and also constantly redirect your attention.

• Hitting a wall or mentally exhausted? Try restarting with a few jumping jacks for your brain improvement exercises.


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